Submit abstract

We encourage you to submit speeches for the INFUzja 2026 conference

We invite you to submit abstracts for the 2nd Congress of the Polish Society of Infusion Nursing.

Please submit abstracts only via the form below by March 30, 2026. Abstracts will be published in the scientific journal “European Journal of Infusion Nursing” after qualification by the Scientific Committee of the Conference. Authors of selected abstracts will also be invited to present them in the speaking session.

Instructions for abstract preparation:

  • The abstract should be submitted electronically in .doc/.docx/.pdf/.txt format using the form below
  • The abstract of a research paper should include the following elements: title, introduction, purpose of the paper, material and methods, results, conclusions and keywords
  • The abstract of review papers, in addition to the title and a concise introduction to the issue, should include the purpose of the work and key words
  • The abstract should not exceed 500 words


Below is an example:


Acceptance of abstracts

All presentation proposals will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee. Submitters will be informed of the acceptance of the abstract by email.

Submission of a scientific paper

It is also possible to publish full papers – conference presentations that receive positive reviews – in the semi-annual European Journal of Infusion Nursing.

Submit abstract

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